Stefan Buckreedee, jab jab

Masked Dame Lorraine
Victoria Square, Port of Spain

Bookman from Hell
Victoria Square, Port of Spain

Angel Prescod, “Queen of the Samba Dance”

Carnival queen; costume with thunderbird motifs

Young dragon masquerader

Dragon Masquerader
Oxford St., Port of Spain

Ronald Alfred, “The Whip Master” of “The Original Jab Jabs”

Winston Alfred, founder of “The Original Jab Jabs”, with his son Ronald, “The Whip Master”, and Ronald’s daughter Renella and son Renaldo

Gorilla masquerader

Gorilla masquerader

Gorilla masquerader playing with plastic laundry basket on the street
Port of Spain

Stilt walkers lounging along Knox Street
Port of Spain

Moko Jumbie with the full, traditional costume
Memorial Park, Port of Spain

Stilt walkers, variants of the Moko Jumbie, from T&T Kaisokah Moko Jumbies from San Fernando
Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain

Fish costume crossing the stage, Carnival Tuesday
Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain

Dame Lorraines
Frederick St., Port of Spain

Alison Brown, performing with ensemble at the head of the mas band “This is Hell”, designed by Peter Minshall
Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain

Masqueraders from “The Snake Goddess” section of the mas band “Egypt, Land of the Pharoahs”, produced by Leftwings, a sports and cultural club

Wendy Ann Alfonso portraying “The Little Indian”

Fancy Sailor with wings
Victoria Square, Port of Spain

Russell Foster portraying an Authentic Indian
Victoria Square, Port of Spain

Masquerader from the band "Dancing to Africa" designed by Laura Anderson Barbata
Oxford St., Port of Spain

“The Buddha of Gold”, portrayed by David John, from mas band “Chinese Mythology”

Masqueraders preparing to go on stage
Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain